We found the Environmental Chapter a new home

As you may already be aware, Risk Intelligence has spent a number of years investigating the relevance of capturing and assessing environmental assets for the VFRR-B.

Since VFRR-B implementation in 2009 environmental assets have not been properly identified and assessed. After numerous discussions with subject matter experts, stakeholder feedback and surveys the following reasons for the lack of uptake are below:

  • Environmental data already exists in other platforms, including DELWP’s Nature Kit which a portion of VFRR-B stakeholders already use to inform their plans.
  • Identifying the data during MFMPC meetings proved difficult as the right participants to inform the assessment weren’t always in the room.
  • The VFRR-B captures limited data. The criteria only look at mapping and assessing Endangered Flora and Fauna according to the Flora and Fauna Act 1999.

Given the feedback, Risk Intel has decided to de-commission the environmental chapter in 2019. The aim is to have it removed from the operational systems, by the end of this month.

So, what are the next steps?

  • Environmental data will be extracted and distributed to the appropriate MFMPCs as requested and we will also have the information available through VFRR-Online.
  • Environmental chapter data will be removed from all platforms and from the VFRR-B process
  • Advice for Nature Kit is listed below

We believe this is a really positive step for the VFRR-B as we can now focus our time and energy
on improving the aspects of the tool which work well and provide immense benefits for our
stakeholders and their communities.

What is Nature Kit?

Nature Kit is DELWP’s biodiversity web mapping and reporting tool. Nature Kit displays a variety
of environmental information including Victoria’s biodiversity values, flora and fauna distribution
and native vegetation.


If any advice is required, DELWP Biodiversity officers, LGA Environmental Officers or CFA
Vegetation Management Officers are the best placed as local contacts and experts in this space.